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Sleep Deprivation Effects on Your Brain


Info-Graphic: Sleep Deprivation Effects on Your Brain

This product is a Hi-Res digital download (clear of watermarks once purchased) you are free to print it as many times as you like!

Info-Graphics are a great way to remind everyone that they can help manage workplace fatigue! Use them in your awareness and education campaigns.

Non-Member price $15.00 CAD           Member price $7.99 CAD


We all know we feel better after a good night’s sleep; but do you really know what happens when we don’t get a full night of good quality Z’s? Among a plethora of negative physical side effects are impacts to brain functions. Read on in this Info-Graphic to learn more about what sleep deprivation can do to your mental well-being.

This product is a Hi-Res digital download (clear of watermarks once purchased) you can print it as many times as you like!


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What you can do with your purchased digital product:

  • Download it anytime within the next 30 days
  • Freely distribute it throughout your organization
  • Print it as many times as you like
  • Embed it in your internal training, awareness or communication program in digital or print formats

What you can’t do with your purchased digital product:

  • Modify any part of it
  • Share it outside your organization
  • Post, print or publish it anywhere outside your organization, including but not limited to a Web site, social media channel, or physical location outside your organization’s premises
  • Re-sell it

For all other purposes or uses of your purchased digital product, please contact the Fatigue Managers Network to discuss your intentions.

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