Are your workers too fatigued?

Author:  FMN Contributing Author

With stats like these, your workers probably are too fatigued.

fatigue at work

74% of Canadians sleep less than seven hours a night.

50% of Canadians report that lack of sleep affects productivity at work.

60% of Canadians would like to take a short nap during the day if they could.

34% of Canadians feel jet-lagged after the first workday after the weekend.

36% of Canadians describe sleep as a rare luxury.


1 out of every 10 (9%) transportation workers is sleepy most of the time.

2 in 10 transportation workers drive when they are drowsy at least once a month.

26% of train operators say sleepiness impacts their job performance at least once a week.

23% of pilots say sleepiness impacts their job performance at least once a week.


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